
Thursday, September 10, 2015

On the Importance of Being "Present"

If life has taught me anything worth while, it is "set your priorities straight". I just spoke to one of my best girlfriends about this... she lost her mom to cancer a few years back. I remember this, we were both in college when it happened. She told me she was so confused and scared at the time, she kept trying to do EVERYTHING - find a boyfriend, give away old clothes, etc. Just doing busy work to distract herself and not fully be present to absorb and really take in the situation. BE PRESENT in every situation in your life, and face it with honor, and POWER
Make sure that whatever priorities you decide are most important will either:
  1. make you happy
  2. make your conscience at peace because what you're doing is the RIGHT thing.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I am Worth Loving

You don't have to EARN love, just like you don't have to earn the right to breathe. You are lovable because you exist. You are worth loving, and as you love others, they will mirror this feeling onto you. ❤️ P.S. I love you.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Life is Beautiful!

There is a cashier at the Hollywood Whole Foods Market that I always get in line to see - Alex. He is a tall, white-haired elderly Russian man, probably in his late sixties. This man used to work at the Sunset and Fairfax Rite Aid when I was still a teenager - this is when I first started chatting with him at the register. The other day he looked very sad when I came up. 

When I asked Alex what was wrong, he admitted that he was bored with life, and felt like he is missing out. "Have you been to Europe?" He asked me. "Sure, Europe is very refreshing and full of interesting places to explore!" "Well, I haven't. I haven't seen many things, and I can't get a long vacation. I feel like my life is terrible." "Life is beautiful, Alex! Don't ever say otherwise! You are so lucky you live in the USA, you are so lucky you are healthy! You have to be grateful you are employed, look at this beautiful store! Look at these nice people, and clean environment! Be happy!" A smile graced his face. "5 minutes with you, and everything just changed! I can't believe it, you just breathed life into me again, you're absolutely right! I'm healthy, I'm working, I can't believe it, you really changed my whole mood!"
Sometimes when people grow older, retire, get weaker, they don't feel appreciated, especially when they see bustling life around them... Please breathe life into those who need your affirmation. It will make you happy, too!

"You can't be everything to everyone."

I had a favorite marketing professor in college, who once said something that stuck with me, and resonated deeply within my being. "You can't be everything to everyone." I always repeat this affirmation when I am feeling lonely, down, not worthy enough, anxious, or disappointed. There are billions of people on this glorious planet, billions of beautiful, talented, intelligent, and successful people. No matter how famous, interesting, sexy, fit, talented, rich, popular, or successful you you are, there is someone who may have surpassed you in the eyes of another, and that is OK. 
When I remind myself of this, I feel a relief, as if a weight is lifted off my shoulders. How great it feels to know that I don't need to compare myself to others to feel good about myself! How easy it is to work when I know I don't need to be as big as some brands or as rich as some businesspeople, or as beautiful as a some women to be the center of my own thriving universe. 

I release any resentment towards those who didn't want to date me, I release any resentment towards those who didn't befriend me. Those who are with me are with me for a reason, and I am grateful for having this awareness, to keep me balanced, and alive!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Ways to Improve Your Kid's Childhood Experience, and Teach Kindness

Everything I have learned in life has been a stepping stone to my current state of well-being, prosperity and balance. I am a constant learner, and am always open to self-improvement, even now, as an adult. Children get most of their ideas about themselves and the world around them by what the adults in their life say and do, so it is important to be fully aware of the message you are giving to your little ones. In this short blog entry, I will give you some wonderful ways to nourish and encourage your children's creativity, promote kindness, and engage in positive activities that you both will enjoy and treasure as cherished moments! I do these activities now, as an adult, so this will be excellent advice for people of all ages.

1. Cook Something Healthy
Making healthy food daily is an absolute must in my life - my food nourishes my mind and body. Give your children a chance to participate in food preparation, and they will take responsibility and pride in their task. Small tasks such as washing the veggies or ripping lettuce leaves for the salad allow your kids to feel like they have contributed to making the meal, and teach them how to become efficient and autonomous. Sharing food is a beautiful way to show love and care, and I often make enough food for my family, as well as the neighbors. My neighbor is a doctor, and works late, so I often invite her for dinner. I also have an elderly woman on the cul-de-sac, and I feel that it is a privilege for me to bring her food. A wonderful weekend activity is making sandwiches for the homeless, and passing them out. Make food with love, share food with loved ones, and teach your children to share and care.

2. Make Bird Friends
I currently live in a house with a large back yard, but I have grown up in an apartment, and have learned to live comfortably and efficiently in a small, urban space. I have a dog and a cat whom I love very much, but if your living conditions don't allow for pets, this advice will be wonderful. It can be challenging for parents to tell their kids they can't have pets because of space or time constrictions, so a great alternative is to hang up hummingbird feeders filled with nectar, and watch these lovely beauties come to sip their sweet nectar. Here is a photo I took yesterday of the bird flying up to drink - they are truly majestic, and therapeutic. Making the nectar is easy - it's a 1-cup sugar to 4-cup water ratio. Simply bring this mixture to a boil, cool, and pour into the feeder. I make enough for the week, and store the rest in the fridge - it's much more convenient, also. This is a wonderful activity to do with the kids - they will love it! Another great idea is to put out feed for the larger birds, especially if you have colorful birds in your neighborhood, like I do. I buy bird feed in bulk, and put it out for them in the flat bowl feeder I have in the back yard. It's great to know that even little creatures can benefit from your kind gesture.

3. Grow Something
Buy a plant that the child will have the responsibility to water. If you have a chance to start a small
garden together, there is nothing more fun than digging in the dirt while taking care of your vegetables or flowers! Children will take great responsibility in doing their part to water veggies, or flowers, and proudly display their labor when it is time to harvest! This is a great activity that will beautify the home, and will also teach the child the values of farm-to-table lifestyle.
4. Volunteer
Lending a helping hand to others is a divine privilege, and a task that will not only fill your children's heart with joy, but will serve as a wonderful reminder of how important each and every one of us is on this planet. I've been caring for my grandmother for the past few years, and one day I thought of
the countless number of elderly people who spend their lives at retirement homes, and rarely get visitors. I went to the dollar store, and picked up puzzles, coloring books, crossword puzzles, crayons, beads, glue, and a couple of poster boards, and showed up at a retirement home. The feeling of joy these wonderful elders experienced made me so happy! Your children will enjoy interacting with elders, and vice versa! I volunteer with kids at an orphanage in Mexico, and the days spent with them have been as rewarding for me, as they have been for them. Gratitude and appreciation creates children who mature into appreciative and self-sufficient adults.
5. Help the Homeless
Vacation season is approaching, and many of us will travel with our families. I frequently travel for work, and spend a third of the month in a hotel room, but since my company manufactures skincare, I bring my own products with me.  Did you know that you are paying daily for the toiletries in your hotel room, and they are yours to use and take? Give your children the task of collecting all unused shampoos, conditioners, soaps, and small toothpastes each day, and putting them away into their suitcase. In six months to a year, the child will have a large box of travel-sized items to donate to the local homeless shelter/mission. These small toiletries may seem like meaningless items to most people, but every little bit counts for the less fortunate. I regularly send monetary donations to charities, but since children don't have the financial ability to help, teaching them to help in this way will get them on the path to sharing and giving. When generosity becomes second nature, so do gratitude and abundance.

Be well, live abundantly, and give abundantly!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Sending Love from the Heart

From an early age, I learned by the actions of my mother, to send thank you notes and letters, instead of calls or emails. I love to write, and have a special box with stationary, greeting cards, and thank you notes on hand, so I can concentrate on writing a special message, not on running and picking a card ASAP. My other favorite activity is cooking, and I have several notebooks with clipped recipes I have been collecting since the age of 16. Some recipes are typed and added by me or grandma, and some are trimmed out of food magazines. Life is beautiful when you can put down your words on paper. Whether you keep the notebooks you write in, or send letters to loved ones, you can heal your life, and the life of others with words from the heart. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I Love You

Show people how you want to be treated by treating yourself with respect, first and foremost. If this is difficult, ask yourself what is stopping you, and instead of berating yourself, just FIX it. Stop doing things that bring you down, and start thanking yourself for being wonderful. Learn to be calm and centered in all situations. Smile often, and don't take everything so seriously. If you are willing to accept advice, listen only to winners, because they have proven that the KNOW what they are talking about. Don't mind the commentary from people whose lives are a mess, and always be open to change. You are always YOU, yet you are always changing.
We often go through hardships, and find ourselves in the darkness and despair. We ask The Lord "why me?". We think we are broken, and hopeless, but that isn't true. We have come into the world to love ourselves, love each other and love God. Rest assured that The Lord will guide you and guard you, and the process of life is always on your side. No one said life was going to be easy, but you can do it anyway! Look how far you've come! If you haven't been told how wonderful you are, I am here to assure you that you're amazing, and I love you.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Live 2 love

I always find it adorable when friends and strangers ask if I'm happy ALL the time. Pretty much! It is easy to create a happy mental attitude when you have these 2 parts of the equation constantly present in your life. Make it an infinite cycle, and happiness will always manifest!

My Thoughts

My thoughts are my best friends. My thoughts don't scare me, don't rush me, and they don't berate me. My beautiful thoughts encourage me and support me. We laugh together, we solve problems together, and we enjoy life to the fullest!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Keeping Up Your Resolutions!

We often wait for something to inspire us to work harder, be kinder, get into shape, express less anger, or whatever else you have resolved to do in 2015. I don't have New Years resolutions, because I believe that every day is a new beginning, and every breath I take gives me the power to accomplish any task I set my heart on. 
Look within yourself, and you will find all the answers. Don't be hard on yourself - whatever happened in the past is done, and whatever is going to happen will take place, so just relax, and listen to your body and mind. Life is easy: whatever you put in = what you get out, so be kind, be gentle, be caring, be grateful, be generous, be open, be authentic, be simple, and the future will reward you!

Focus In On What You WANT

I have always been fascinated with the phrase "what you resist, persists", and for a good reason. What are your thoughts on this idea? This simple concept was the driving force behind my new project, inspired by my infinite respect for, and admiration of (I CAN!)cer patients' strength and positivity. A positive result can never come from a negative place, where negative vocabulary lives. 
To obtain a feeling of love, care, safety, and perfect health, we just have to say THOSE words often enough. You will never obtain health by saying "I don't want to be sick", because the word "sick" in itself is flawed, and sends negative vibes into all cells of the body. Every moment when you harvest positive feelings in your heart, they will multiply, and engulf any negative vibes and worry. You will always get what your heart desires, if you focus in on what you WANT instead of what you don't want.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

About Feelings

I may seem simplistic, but I always rely on feelings to guide me through life. When I am sad, I think of a better "feeling" thought, and my outlook changes. When I dance with someone, I rely on how it feels, rather than how it looks, and I know that's what makes me unforgettable. I've learned that strength and power come to me when I repeatedly "feel" good thoughts. You too can practice doing this - even for 10 minutes a day. Lay down on your back, relax your spine and your face, and just remember good moments that made you feel safe and happy. Do this in the morning, before you start the day, and you will see how much happier EVERYTHING will feel to you. Start tomorrow, and let me know how you "feel"!

3 Easy Steps to Get What You Want

There are 3 easy steps towards achieving whatever you have your heart set on.

1)First, you have to truly believe you deserve the love, abundance, health, good relationships, success, etc.

2)Then, you put this out into the universe by saying it many times with true feeling. "I am healthy", "I am beautiful and everyone loves me", "abundance flows into my life".

3)The last step is to be open to receiving whatever you wished for. Be alert, aware and open to seeing the good flow in, and don't put up barriers. You receive all the good the universe had to offer, but don't force it. Just be open, and when you truly believe you deserve - you will receive!

Trust Life to Take Care of You

Get rid of negative thinking by affirming that life supports you. I am safe and I trust life to give me all that I manifest. I trust life to give me all the good things that I deserve. Having love and giving love is my birthright!
I am often at the hospital, and see many patients walking the halls. Some look at each other, as if to check what the other person has, and compare who has the more difficult illness. Life has an abundance of health for ALL of us, and ALL of us deserve health by birthright. You want to live a happy, and healthy life? One answer for you: focus on YOU. That's it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Create a healthy mental attitude by being able to forgive.

Happy love-day!

Happy love-day! If you still haven't met your perfect match, just trust the universe to take care of your love life, it will all come together when you're heart-open and ready! Love yourself. You are worth the best in life! This affirmation strengthens your confidence in yourself as a whole, and fully complete human being, who doesn't need anyone else to feel loved but YOU.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Focusing on Good Health

Whenever some difficult situations come up in my life, I focus on my health and on my family's health. I say to myself - even though things seem pretty bad now, I know that I am 100% healthy and my family members are alive and supporting me. The universe has a way of providing us with all of our breaths and keeps our heart beating. The rest is just things... focus on the positive and don't let the extra things happening in your life define how you judge your inner being. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Blankets of Love - Help Me Spread the Love by Donating New Blankets!

Hello, my beautiful and generous friends! 

I would like to personally invite you to do something very special for some amazing kids at the Casa Hogar Sion orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico. If you have read my blog about Corazon de Vida Foundation​, you will know that the Mexican government doesn't provide for the orphanages, and the kids rely on generous donations from kindhearted people, to have access to essential supplies, even toilet paper and soap. 

The last time I was at the orphanage, the woman who takes care of the children said they desperately need blankets (bedspreads) for the girls dorm, boys dorm, and the nursery. I thought I had secured a donor, but since I haven't heard back regarding these blankets for the last month, I decided to take action and organize a "bedspread drive" just in time for Valentine's Day. It is not a very big amount of items, and I know that together we can all pitch in, and "blanket" these sweet kids with our love and care! Here is the list of what they need:

The girls dorm needs 26 twin comforters.
The boys dorm needs 12 twin comforters.
The toddlers need 12 crib size covers.

I think that is extremely feasible, right, guys? If we can get a blanket or 2 each, we will get this done before February 14th, and already on the bus to the orphanage on February 21st! 

I have worked hard on creating this baby registry on Amazon, so those of you who are located far away from me, can still help the kids out by purchasing a blanket online!

The Link tells you how many of which items we need:

You can also bring the blankets to my office at: SAIAN Natural Clinical Skin Care​ 7525 Ethel Ave Suite M, North Hollywood, CA 91605

Love you all, and thank you for your generosity!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Count your blessings, not your problems. Everyone has problems, but not everyone is blessed.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

On Learning and Growth

Accept the possibility of learning from others, from nature, from your mistakes, and from your victories. Relax, and release your attachments from prejudices, and preconceived notions. Be open to everything.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Affirming our Safety

Whatever happens in your life, whatever thoughts you may have, whatever changes come your way, know that the universe is always working in YOUR favor, and YOU are SAFE. Let things unfold and don't jump ahead of time. The universal power has a plan for you, and everything will unfold in the right time sequence.