
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Live 2 love

I always find it adorable when friends and strangers ask if I'm happy ALL the time. Pretty much! It is easy to create a happy mental attitude when you have these 2 parts of the equation constantly present in your life. Make it an infinite cycle, and happiness will always manifest!

My Thoughts

My thoughts are my best friends. My thoughts don't scare me, don't rush me, and they don't berate me. My beautiful thoughts encourage me and support me. We laugh together, we solve problems together, and we enjoy life to the fullest!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Keeping Up Your Resolutions!

We often wait for something to inspire us to work harder, be kinder, get into shape, express less anger, or whatever else you have resolved to do in 2015. I don't have New Years resolutions, because I believe that every day is a new beginning, and every breath I take gives me the power to accomplish any task I set my heart on. 
Look within yourself, and you will find all the answers. Don't be hard on yourself - whatever happened in the past is done, and whatever is going to happen will take place, so just relax, and listen to your body and mind. Life is easy: whatever you put in = what you get out, so be kind, be gentle, be caring, be grateful, be generous, be open, be authentic, be simple, and the future will reward you!

Focus In On What You WANT

I have always been fascinated with the phrase "what you resist, persists", and for a good reason. What are your thoughts on this idea? This simple concept was the driving force behind my new project, inspired by my infinite respect for, and admiration of (I CAN!)cer patients' strength and positivity. A positive result can never come from a negative place, where negative vocabulary lives. 
To obtain a feeling of love, care, safety, and perfect health, we just have to say THOSE words often enough. You will never obtain health by saying "I don't want to be sick", because the word "sick" in itself is flawed, and sends negative vibes into all cells of the body. Every moment when you harvest positive feelings in your heart, they will multiply, and engulf any negative vibes and worry. You will always get what your heart desires, if you focus in on what you WANT instead of what you don't want.