
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Philosophy

Doesn't it feel amazing to be helpful to others, give gifts without expecting anything in return, pay people sincere compliments, and spread good vibes by lighting the room up with your genuine smile? Why are you sometimes shy to do these things more often? No one will judge your kindness, I promise! 

Be the ray of sunshine that melts hearts, be naive, be inquisitive, be helpful, be simple, share your food, share your knowledge, and the universe will protect you from harm!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


I love, therefore I am loved! The universe responds to my emotions, multiplies all my feelings, and returns infinite love to me!

Monday, December 29, 2014


Forgiveness is the best way to feel liberated of deep-seeded grudges that prevent us from loving ourselves. We sometimes can't forgive, and keep resentment for others in our hearts. What is done is done, and we are old enough to understand that by forgiving the other person, we release ourselves from the confinement of the past. 

Let go, and rise above the situation by being adult enough to move on! Just release the bad events, and let them be your life lessons - no need to play the victim card forever, life goes on, and life is beautiful! I love you all, and hope you love yourself enough to forgive those who have wronged you.

Our Inner Power and Divinity

Sometimes we are so desensitized, that we automatically seek inspiration from outside of ourselves, instead of within! I'd like to take a moment and think about your own name, and draw POWER and inspiration from it! 

Say your name, and really pay attention to the vibration the sound of it produces. Do you like those sounds?

My name, for example, produces an "Ahhhhhh" sound twice - d-A-sh-A. This is so calming, and connects me to the Devine presence. Notice that it makes a perfect mantra! This is the same sound made by the words "Amen", "God", "Krishna", "Buddha", "Ra", "Muhammad". Do you notice the open vowel in your name? Do you love your name? What so you love most about it? Would you ever change your name? Have you ever thought of it?

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Water and Life

I'm grateful for this beautiful planet that I am constantly connected to by gravity. I feel grounded, and stable at all moments of my life! Our little green and blue Earth is so beautiful from space - it has bright blue water flowing through it, and up until today, was considered the only known planet to have liquid flowing through it (we may have another 500 light years away).
I'd like to take a moment to remind everyone how connected we are to earth, and to water. As you know, our planet is 72% water, and so is our brain (72%-77%)! Our body is about 60%-70% water! Isn't that powerful? We are connected to earth all the time, by constantly taking our body's liquids from our "Mother" Earth. Please don't neglect your body's necessity, and nourish it with plenty of WATER - not soda, sugary juices, chemical-laiden drinks, and other things that deplete our water-content. I'd like everyone to take a couple of seconds, and go pour yourself a big glass of water, or better yet, two! Ready, set, GO!

Friday, December 26, 2014

About Hearts

Our hearts are constantly working - pumping vigorously, 24 hours a day, to supply our bodies with blood. When you think of it, doesn't it seem that love is also a muscle? The more you use it, the stronger it becomes, and gives you power to live! Are you using yours enough?

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Dasha's 15 Minute Vegan Tacos

I love weekends, and you can bet I would rather spend more time with my friends and family, than toil away in the kitchen! For this reason, I would like to show you a lunchtime snack your family will adore! I call these little lettuce bowls my 15 minute vegan tacos. You can work with whatever ingredients you have on hand - today I had zucchini, cherry tomatoes, garbanzo beans, and cilantro. Easy no cook recipe calls for:

INGREDIENTS (I only use organic):
Zucchini 2 medium
Butter Lettuce
Garbanzo Beans, boiled 1 cup
Cherry Tomatoes 1 cup
Cilantro 1/4 cup chopped
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
Flaxseed oil 1 tablespoon
Sea Salt to taste

I use my beloved spiralizer to make zucchini noodles, add to that the garbanzo beans, and the cherry tomatoes. I cut mine in half to make it fit in one bite down on as you eat. Add the cilantro, lemon juice, and oil,  and combine well. Scoop this mixture into the lettuce, and serve! I suggest just eating these like tacos - it gets a bit messy, but it's out of this world delicious! I am disappointed that my avocados were too hard, but an avocado would make the PERFECT topping for this taco!

Hope you try this little fun "salad" for lunch today, and feel light and energized all day long! 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Vitamin L

Are you getting enough Vitamin L? There have been reports of people struggling with Vitamin L deficiency lately, and it's extremely dangerous! Vitamin L (LOVE) should be present in your body at all times of the day. You can get 20% from sunshine and fresh outdoor air, 20% from pets, and family members, but most importantly, you are responsible for finding this vitamin within yourself and bringing it to the surface. Some people don't realize the importance of self-LOVE, and ignore the symptoms, such as jealousy towards others, low self-esteem, negative body image, and bad habits. Start practicing the Vitamin L game daily - just ask yourself, if self-love and love for others were a vitamin, would I get my dose today?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Connecting With People and Learning More About Them

It’s your job to look for something cool in everyone you meet; it’s not their job to show you. Learning to appreciate people you meet is a skill you cultivate, so get on it! This doesn’t mean you have to fall in love with everyone, it just means you need to take responsibility for your ability to connect with the people you are meeting.

On Saying No

No one can take your power away, but we sometimes give others the power over us by saying yes when we really want to say no. No is a beautiful word, learn to say no when your heart tells you to.

Sometimes we agree to be loved more, to seem generous, to feel irreplaceable... For whichever reason. I have been saying yes for years, and still do, for the most part because I love the rewarding feeling of doing something for another human being, but there are times when I just can't. I'm no less kind for saying no, I'm no less generous. I am just a human being, and so is the person asking...and he or she will understand.

Friday, December 5, 2014

About Love

You don't have to convince anyone to love you. The right person will know who you are and will love you.  If that person hasn't shown up yet, he or she is on his/her way to you.

My 4 Simple Rules

Every time I get asked what my secret to success is, I mention my 4 simple rules. I hope this resonates with you, and helps you set your priorities, too!
1. Love your family
2. Love your job
3. Take excellent care of your health
4. Have a passion

Saturday, October 25, 2014

On Forgiveness

We often find it hard to forgive and let go, but it is essential if we wish to be at peace. When we forgive others, we show love for ourselves, and release all negativity from our hearts. You don't need to tell the person you forgive him/her, and you don't need that person to accept your forgiveness. Forgive them even if they aren't sorry. Stand in front if the mirror, look yourself in the eyes, and think of the person you need to forgive most. Repeat-"I forgive you, and I set myself free."

Friday, October 24, 2014

Book Review of "Rework" by Heinemeier and Freed

Flip the pages of "Rework" and you will be pleasantly surprised by the black and white drawings that grace every other page. It is a bit unusual for a business book... When you start reading, you will realize this is an unusual type of book, giving unusual advice. Did I mention it is great advice, because I truly believe so!

"Rework" takes business outside of the box by making it available to everyone. One of my favorite concepts is getting rid of the word "entrepreneur", because it is dated. The writers suggest throwing away traditional ideas of what a business person looks and dresses like, and just making and selling a product or service YOU would want to buy. The book mocks workaholism, and gives many reasons as to why anyone can be successful by working normal hours.
The writers emphasize the importance of doing what works for your business, as opposed to doing what everyone else does to get ahead, ie: hiring more people, spending more on ads, acquiring more territory. You can't please everyone, so make sure you know what you're selling and who your customer is, and you will do great.

The most wonderful advice anyone doing any kind of business will benefit from, is to become educators. Let's "out-teach" the competition! Anyone can sell you a scarf, but the companies that take the time to make a video and show you 20 ways to tie it really stick out of the crowd. This is a brand that creates fans! This is the way I have done business for the last 8 years. Educating not only shows my professionalism and knowledge, but encourages customers to try to copy my technique and treatments to do better and make more money! A wonderful example of this in the book is comparing brand educators with chefs who openly publish their recipes and secrets. 

I love this book, it was a quick and pleasant read, and surely, very informative. I would definitely rate it as one of the year's best in business.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My Visit to a Tijuana Orphanage, and Info on How You Can Help

Dear friends, I would like to share my experience visiting an orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico, in hopes that it will inspire you to participate, donate, and show your love. I had the privilege of getting introduced to the Corazon de Vida Foundation by my friend, Veronica, who has been on many trips with them in the past, and came along with me and my friend Dana on our first visit! A bit of background - Corazon de Vida helps bridge the gap between orphaned children in Tijuana, Mexico and loving people who come to volunteer, sponsor children, and provide generous donations that make meals, clothing, and education available for these amazing kids. There are few things that can compare to the warmth, sincerity, and beauty of a child's smile, and when I saw these children's smiles, I could hardly believe how happy they were in that moment, surrounded by the rubble of Tijuana's houses. You will see the beautiful photos of the time we had bonding with the kids, but I'd like to start off by showing a couple of photos of Tijuana's landscape, and telling you about my journey.

I woke up at 4am, got dressed, packed my supplies into the trunk of my car, and drove to the arranged location to board a charter bus to Mexico at 5:30am. The bus makes 3 stops before the Mexican border - Los Angeles 5:30am, Irvine 6:15am, and San Diego 8:15am. My friend Gayane and her  sweet children made a shopping trip to help us with supplies that were much-needed at the Casa Hogar Sion orphanage. Some of the things we bought were shampoo, conditioner, dish soap, toilet paper and toothbrushes. Dana brought giant tubs of detergent, and what looked to be a life-time supply of toilet paper. Once we arrived at the border, we cleared the bus, it got x-rayed, and so did our posessions. We went through customs, and were in Tijuana by 10am. Corazon de Vida sponsors and visits 11 orphanages, but this day, we were at the Casa Hogar Sion - the largest, housing 90-100 children. There is a girl's and a boy's house, each has 2 floors with bunk beds. The children don't have personal possessions - there is one great big closet in each house - they wear whatever is clean and fits them. The dorm rooms may be poorly decorated and tight, but they are clean and bright, and so are the little inhabitants who dwell at Casa Sion.

I am a fluent Spanish-speaker, so communicating with the kids in their language was easy for me, but I can tell you without a doubt - there is no language barrier when it comes to love and care. The children are sweet, shy, and talented. Another volunteer brought a conga and you should have heard the great beats all of the kiddos were producing on that drum! Simply tremendous! The beauty in this photo is Rebecca -she's 9 years old and has 10 siblings, all of whom live at the orphanage... This was very hard for me to take in, and was very painful to hear. Some kids here are orphans, with deceased parents, some are left by parents who can't support them financially. Rebecca really touched my heart. She was playing board games with us, and got a fancy pink manicure and glittery makeup that day. I love her smile, I just adore it, she reminded me of myself at that age! There were little babies at the orphanage, barely 3 months old - Veronica held little Luis, who could barely hold his tiny head up, he was so small... It made me sad, but also made me grateful to know that there are good people out there who will adopt him. Hopefully... I met some young ladies who were academic stars! One just got accepted to Dental school, and the other to Veterinary school!  I respect their dedication and hard work on the way to triumph over poverty.

Dana and I didn't waste any time, and jumped in the kitchen at 11am, where we peeled and cut up fruit for a giant fruit salad until 1pm, and then served a mountain of hot rice, broccoli, and chicken to 150 people at lunch. It was a great experience, because we were able to physically help out where we were needed! 
We played, we made food, we ate, we talked, we drew and colored, we bonded, and at 2pm, we boarded the bus back to Los Angeles. It was hard saying goodbye, but I have already signed up for my next trip back to Casa Hogar Sion on December 6th - it's a Holiday trip, and you can sign up using this link

Please donate to the cause using this link! I am hoping to raise at least $500 for the kids by Christmas! I am sure that we can raise that amount and much more if we all pitch in a little (or a lot)! The organizer of the trip, George, pointed out how ripped and destroyed the sofas in the boy's dorm were, and said they desperately needed some leather sofas. I couldn't resist but to offer a pair of mine from the office. They were enjoyed here by clients and staff, but now its time to do some good in Mexico :) I am glad to keep the giving spirit, and I know you will fall in love with these kids, as well. I hope to see you all on my next trip, and remember - open your heart - let love out, let love in :)


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Happy Birthday, Louise L Hay

Today is Louise Hay's Birthday, she is 88 years young! If you are not familiar with this amazing woman, please look her up, and pick up one of her books. Louise's wisdom has been the strength that gave me power to overcome my mother's illness, and stand up to all the daily difficulties of life. I was fortunate to meet her 4 years ago in Toronto, ON at a Hay House event, where I gifted her some skin care items she is ....everything! Happy birthday, young fearless soul!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Dasha's Natural Oncology Protocols for a Healthy, Long Life

Helping people has become a big theme in my life, and I do it with love, and sincerity. This is a hard blog entry to write, but I trust that you will respect my vulnerability, and trust my advice. I want to help you all with your health and quality of life, but if you are currently under the supervision of an oncologist, I don't want you to do anything without consulting your doctor first.
A year and a half ago, my mother (best friend, soulmate, business partner, inspiration, motivation, and the most important person in my life) had a seizure, and was rushed to the emergency room. Unconscious, completely unaware of what was going on inside her head... little did she, or any of us know, that she was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor the size of an orange, and given 5 weeks to live. 

This was a year and a half ago. 
My mother is alive and well today, and cancer-free!

I give credit to her strong will and exceptional motivation, and the amazing Dr. Badie at City of Hope, who agreed to operate on her, and removed the tumor. The video below about him will give you an idea about this man. He is an angel, and truly the strongest in his field. I am grateful every day for the spontaneous spark of idea in my head that pushed me to seek a second opinion, and move my mother to THIS hospital for treatment. It will be hard getting an appointment with him, but keep trying, don't give up! It took me almost 2 days of repetitive calling to get an OK to bring her over.

After her surgery, mom endured 6 weeks of daily radiation and chemo, and the same day she started this treatment, I put her on a special natural alternative cancer treatment plan. I am not a doctor, but I have studied nutrition, and did very much research after our diagnosis. Although there are many alternative oncology protocols that all work well (Cellect, Amygdalin B17, Gerson system juicing, mistletoe and hydrogen peroxide injections, etc), I have put together a plan which works best for my mom, without causing her discomfort, or interruption of regular medical treatment. I have mom on the Budwig Diet since May 1st.

This method is known to do wonders for people with cancer, even those who have days to live. Here is the recipe:

6 tablespoons of Organic Low fat cottage cheese
3 Tablespoons of Barlean's Fresh Flax Seed oil (unflavored without lignants)
blended together on low with a hand mixer until smooth like whip cream.
Add to that 2 tablespoons of FRESHLY ground flax seeds (you have to do it right away with a coffee mill, not pre-ground) eat this 2x day - morning and evening.
Here is the video how to do it. I also add 1 table spoon of turmeric to it, since turmeric is known to fight brain tumors.

I strongly believe in the power of mushrooms, such as reishi, shitake, maitake, and cordyceps. These supplements from Aloha Medicinals pack a powerful punch against inflammation, and increase immunity. Mom takes 6 in the morning, and 6 in the evening. The product is called Immune-assist Critical Care Formula 500mg of mushrooms. Believe it or not, we had an outbreak of shingles on her face recently, and her immunity was suppressed (+the dreadful chemo that was lowering it). It took us 3 weeks to raise her platelets from 90 to 165!

Nutrition is very important, and as a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, I believe that our bodies will heal ourselves when fed nourishing and balanced meals. I don't believe in processed foods, and I eat a simple diet of fruits and vegetables. To get the most into your system, get a juicer or a vitamix. Mom juices about 3lbs of veggies a day. I'd like you to get the book "The Body Ecology Diet" by Donna Gates. It will teach you how to alkalize your body, and reduce candida and inflammation that causes acne, poor digestion, weight gain, and allergies. She is an inspiration of mine, and an amazing person I adore and look up to! You can purchase this book by clicking on the Body Ecology link below.

Body Ecology
As far as supplements, you need 5000IU of Vitamin D3 daily, and 1000mg of Vitamin C as well as 1000mg Calcium with 500mg Magnesium daily! Mom also takes a teaspoon of Organic Bee Pollen, daily, drinks roasted dandelion root tea to help her kidneys and liver function properly, drinks alkaline water from our machine, takes enzymes, and 500mg of bee propolis.

I truly believe that this approach is helping her thrive to this day. She has stood up from the wheelchair (she was wheelchair bound for 4 months), now walks all by herself (even takes the stairs), writes using her weak hand, and does many of the tasks she was able to do in the past!

P.S.Most importantly, I have saved the best formula for last!

Hope + Love = Miracles

Sending my love, and best wishes. Never give up!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Simple Advice for Total Well-Being

Want to boost your metabolism, oxygenate your body, aid your digestion, and re-energize? My simplest advice to you is:
1. Drink more water! We often can't think logically, get fatigued, dehydrated, and lazy just because we are lacking water in our system. A lot of times we end up over-eating, because we can't tell when we are genuinely hungry for a snack - often just water would be sufficient. (and no, coffee, juice, and soda don't count)

2. Become more aware of your breathing. Are you taking in enough oxygen? Can you feel your ribcage expanding when you take a breath? Take time and sit upright. Really pay attention to your breath, and breathe until you feel your fingertips and toes tingling with energy!

Monday, September 15, 2014

You Are Born Capable of Achieving Anything You Want

I feel like we often get desensitized, and need a daily reminder of how POWERFUL we are, and that we have infinite abilities! We are born capable of achieving anything we want, so stop dwelling in the past, creating excuses, and repeating habitual patterns, and do whatever it is you want! Turn your "should" into ---->"could", and the "could" into... ---->"DONE"! If you need a little push - this will be your daily dose of "get off your ass and ROCK it!"

20-Minute Activities that Will Nourish Your Body and Soul

As a business woman, writer, and an EXTREMELY simple person, I have developed (purely by accident) some easy-as-pie strategies for showing yourself love and support! These 20-minute activities will give your body, mind and heart, the emotional boost to release tension, think more clearly, make rational decisions, and balance your life. Here is a short list of activities that will be beneficial to you. Whenever you have trouble throughout your day, do one of these, or a few!
1. Read a book. A good book!
2. Stretch your body. Don't neglect your neck. Massage your tense shoulders.
3. Write, be creative, start a blog, a book, and commit to it!
4. Draw something! Anything! Use your imagination!
5. Take a walk outside.
6. Learn a phrase in a foreign language you can use daily. Next time learn a new one! Keep going!
7. Dance it OUT! Put on some music and jump!
8. Prepare a beautiful and healthy meal. Focus on the small details, plate it like you're on Iron Chef, and it's judgement time!
9. Clean the closet and let go of the things that no longer serve you, and would be more useful to someone else. Donate directly to those in need, or take to the midnight mission. Remember, good will sells the donated clothes, and ships them to Africa for resale. You want your things in the hands of the ones who need them, free.
10. Ask who needs your help. Helping others is our birthright and responsibility.