Helping people has become a big theme in my life, and I do it with love, and sincerity. This is a hard blog entry to write, but I trust that you will respect my vulnerability, and trust my advice. I want to help you all with your health and quality of life, but if you are currently under the supervision of an oncologist, I don't want
you to do anything without consulting your doctor first.

This was a year and a half ago.
My mother is alive and well today, and cancer-free!
I give credit to her strong will and exceptional motivation, and the amazing Dr. Badie at City of Hope, who agreed to operate on her, and removed the tumor. The video below about him will give you an idea about this man. He is an angel, and truly the strongest in his field. I am grateful every day for the spontaneous spark of idea in my head that pushed me to seek a second opinion, and move my mother to THIS hospital for treatment. It will be hard getting an appointment with him, but keep trying, don't give up! It took me almost 2 days of repetitive calling to get an OK to bring her over.
After her surgery, mom endured 6 weeks of daily radiation and chemo, and the same day she started this treatment, I put her on a special natural alternative cancer treatment plan. I am not a doctor, but I have studied nutrition, and did very much research after our diagnosis. Although there are many alternative oncology protocols that all work well (Cellect, Amygdalin B17, Gerson system juicing, mistletoe and hydrogen peroxide injections, etc), I have put together a plan which works best for my mom, without causing her discomfort, or interruption of regular medical treatment. I have mom on the Budwig Diet since May 1st.
This method is known to do wonders for people with cancer, even those who have days to live. Here is the recipe:
This method is known to do wonders for people with cancer, even those who have days to live. Here is the recipe:
6 tablespoons of Organic Low fat cottage cheese
Here is the video how to do it. I also add 1 table spoon of turmeric to it, since turmeric is known to fight brain tumors.
Nutrition is very important, and as a Certified Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, I believe that our bodies will heal ourselves when fed nourishing and balanced meals. I don't believe in processed foods, and I eat a simple diet of fruits and vegetables. To get the most into your system, get a juicer or a vitamix. Mom juices about 3lbs of veggies a day. I'd like you to get the book "The Body Ecology Diet" by Donna Gates. It will teach you how to alkalize your body, and reduce candida and inflammation that causes acne, poor digestion, weight gain, and allergies. She is an inspiration of mine, and an amazing person I adore and look up to! You can purchase this book by clicking on the Body Ecology link below.
As far as supplements, you need 5000IU of Vitamin D3 daily, and 1000mg of Vitamin C as well as 1000mg Calcium with 500mg Magnesium daily! Mom also takes a teaspoon of Organic Bee Pollen, daily, drinks roasted dandelion root tea to help her kidneys and liver function properly, drinks alkaline water from our machine, takes enzymes, and 500mg of bee propolis.
I truly believe that this approach is helping her thrive to this day. She has stood up from the wheelchair (she was wheelchair bound for 4 months), now walks all by herself (even takes the stairs), writes using her weak hand, and does many of the tasks she was able to do in the past!
P.S.Most importantly, I have saved the best formula for last!
Hope + Love = Miracles
Sending my love, and best wishes. Never give up!
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